Sunday 1 December 2013

Ordo/Ordines Orders Update

All orders received up to and including the 27th November have now been despatched. I was away for three days last week so I am in the process of 'catching up'. Your patience, and of course your valued custom, is much appreciated. I will continue to post orders in rotation this week.


Anonymous said...

Dear Rubricarius,

I know you do not like to clutter up the ordo with non-universal feasts. So, sorry to wander off topic, but I want to ask about the English Feast of the Martyr Edmund Campion. Personally, I think the Feast ought to be universal. I have seen it in all my older pew missals even before the canonization of 1970.

To put it simply, where and what would one have to be to celebrate this Feast on the Monday after Advent I? Would a private devotional society do it, and, really to push it, could one add an Octave to honour the patron of such? Or would a parish patron be the very least required?


PseudonymousposterJohn said...

Could I please use the hospitality of your blog to make a request?

Those of us a little surprised that the, shall we say, ‘more’ traditional Latin mass actually permits the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in place of the Sunday, unlike the dear old Novus Ordo, were caught somewhat off guard this week.

Do you or any of your readers know where on the web one could find a downloadable or just listenable recording of the plainchant for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception for those faced with singing it?


Rubricarius said...


I don't know of anything offhand, have you tried YouTube? On the principle of 'sacred then, sacred now' the historical Salve texts might be more accessible.