Sunday 28 April 2013

Fourth Sunday after Pascha

The fourth Sunday after Pascha is of semidouble rite and the liturgical colour is white. The Gospel pericopes are from the sixteenth chapter of St. John's Gospel where the LORD talks of His ascending to Heaven and the coming of the Paraclete.

At Vespers yesterday afternoon the psalms of Saturday were sung under the single antiphon Alleluia. The Office hymn was Ad regias Agni dapes. After the collect of the Sunday commemorations were sung of the preceding Office of St.Peter Canisius and then of St. Paul of the Cross and St. Vitalis. The Commemoration of the Cross was omitted due to the double feasts. At Compline Te lucis was sung with the Paschaltide Doxology and the Dominical preces were omitted.

At Mattins the invitatory and hymn are sung as previous Sundays of Paschaltide. In the first nocturn the lessons are the Incipit of the Epistle of St. James. In the second nocturn the lessons are taken from the Treatise of St. Cyprian on the boon of patience. In the third nocturn the homily is from St. Augustine. The Te Deum is sung. At Lauds the Sunday psalms are sung under a single antiphon, Alleluia. After the collect of the Sunday commemorations are sung of St. Paul of the Cross and St. Vitalis. The Commemoration of the Cross is omitted.

At the Hours the hymns have the Paschaltide Doxology, the psalms are sung under a single antiphon consisting of a triple Alleluia. At Prime the Dominical psalms are sung (Pss. 117, 118i & 118ii). The Dominical preces are omitted because of the commemoration of the double feast.

Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria is sung, the second collect is of St. Paul of the Cross, the third collect is of St. Vitalis. The Creed is sung and the preface is of Paschaltide.

Vespers are of the Sunday. The Sunday psalms are sung under the single antiphon, Alleluia. The Office hymn is Ad regias Agni dapes. After the collect of the Sunday commemorations are sung of the following feast of St. Peter the Martyr and St. Paul of the Cross. The Commemoration of the Cross is omitted as are the Dominical preces at Compline due to the commemorated double feasts.

In the 'liturgical books of 1962' there are no commemorations at Vespers, and the Commemoration of the Cross has been abolished as have been the Domincal preces. Mattins is slashed down to a single nocturn. The hymns at the Little Hours do not have the Paschaltide Doxology. At Mass there is but a single collect. There are no commemorations at Vespers.

Art: Jerome Nadal

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