Tuesday 6 December 2011

The Vestments of Adrian Fortescue, DD - Part II

There are two extant white sets of vestments designed and used by Dr. Fortescue. Both sets have more of their constituent pieces than the violet sets of yesterday's post. The second white set below has a wide velvet silk orfrey (now showing some discolouration), a combination shared with several of the other vestments in the different liturgical colours. The detail in the orfreys of both sets is very fine and carefully designed.

The above is a photograph of the end of the maniple resting on the chalice veil.  Note the width (and length from the photographs above) of the maniple.   The second set, below, is showing signs of deterioration of the velvet column.  Again note the length of the maniple and the stole.

The Chi-Rho decoration at the termination of the stole and maniple, and the cross on the burse are of embroidered gold thread.

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