Tuesday 21 September 2010

St. Matthew Apostle and Evangelist

The feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist is a Double of the Second class. The liturgical colour of the feast is red. Yesterday a commemoration of the Vigil of the feast was made in the Office of SS Eustace and Companions with the ninth lesson of the Vigil at Mattins and commemoration of the Vigil at Lauds and Mass, and last Gospel of the Vigil at Mass. Private Masses were allowed of the Vigil with a commemoration of SS Eustace and Companions.

Celebration of the feast of St. Matthew began with first Vespers yesterday. The antiphons from the Common of Apostles were sung with Pss. 109, 110, 111, 112 and 116. After the collect of the feast a commemoration of the preceding Office was sung. At Compline the Dominical psalms were sung.

At Mattins in the first nocturn the antiphons, psalms, lessons and responsories are all taken from the Common of Apostles. In the second nocturn the lessons are for the feast. In the third nocturns the homily on the Gospel is from St. Jerome's Commentary on St. Matthew's Gospel. The Office is festal and at Lauds the Sunday pslams are sung under antiphons from the Common of Apostles.

At the Little Hours the festal psalms are sung, those at Prime being as on feasts (53, 118(i) & 118(ii). At Prime the lectio brevis is Ibant Apostoli.

Mass is sung after Terce. The Gloria and Credo are sung and the preface is that of the Apostles.

Second Vespers are sung of the feast with a commemoration of the following Office of St Thomas of Villanova.

In the 'liturgical books of 1962' the Vigil for the feast has been abolished. First Vespers have been abolished. The feast retains its three nocturns. At the Little Hours ferial psalmody is used. At Prime the short lesson is of the season. At Vespers (the only one) there is no commemoration of the following Office.

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